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The NID Pipeline Newsletter - December 2023

May contain: person, bag, adventure, hiking, leisure activities, nature, outdoors, plant, and vegetation
NID works to remove hazard trees on the D-S Canal.

 Here's the link to the Pipeline Newsletter for December 2023

In this edition:

  • New Board of Director officers selected: Pres. Rich Johansen and VP Ricki Heck  
  • HR Corner - Work anniversaries, promotions, etc.  
  • Hazard trees removed on the D-S Canal in Brunswick  
  • Recreation - Long Ravine Campground cleanup 
  • Hydrant flushing throughout the District is underway  
  • Emergency Outage: South Yuba Canal  
  • Safety Corner - Holiday safety hazards: food poisoning and fire-starters

                                                    ... and much more!

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