Hydrologic Analysis Appendices
August 27, 2020
NOTE: Some of the appendix documents are too large to load or may not have maintained their formatting. Please email info@nidwater.com to request a link for downloads. Please specify exactly which documents you need. Thank you for your patience.
Appendix A – Water Supply Network Overview 20200827
Appendix B – Development of Historical Gage-Proration Unimpaired Hydrology 20200827
Appendix C – Development of 2070 Unimpaired Hydrology 20200827
Copy of Appendix C spreadsheet 20191119
Appendix D – Comparisons of Projected and Historical Hydrology at Select Locations 20200827
Appendix E: These documents are too large to post. Please email info@nidwater.com to request a link to the appendix you would like to download.
Appendix F: These documents are too large to post and/or may require 3rd party software. Please email info@nidwater.com to request a link to the appendix you would like to download.
APPENDIX F NOTE: To use the information in Appendix F you must have third party software called HEC-RESSIM Version 3.0a. It can be downloaded at https://www.hec.usace.army.mil/software/hec-ressim/downloads.aspx. Be sure to select version 3.0a when downloading.
You may find HEC-DSSVUE to be a more efficient results viewer upon completing a HEC-RESSIM model run. It can be downloaded at https://www.hec.usace.army.mil/software/hec-ressim/downloads.aspx