Chicago Park Powerhouse

Chicago Park Powerhouse is off stream of the Bear River. It was constructed in 1964-65 as part of the Yuba-Bear Power Project. The powerhouse discharges to the Bear River upstream of Rollins.
It is rated at 39 megawatts (MW), and the power is generated via consumptive and run of river flows. NID has a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with PG&E through June 2033.
The powerhouse is an above-ground, indoor powerhouse constructed of concrete and located about 800 feet southeast of the confluence of the Bear River and Steephollow Creek. The powerhouse consists of one vertical axis Francis turbine with a nameplate rated capacity of 39 MW at a head of 480 feet and a maximum flow of 1,100 cfs.
A penstock diverts water from Chicago Park Forebay to the powerhouse. At 2,250 foot long with a 9.2-10.0 foot-diameter steel sluice, the penstock is able to divert water at a maximum design capacity of about 1,070 cubic feet a second (cfs) from Chicago Park Forebay to Chicago Park Powerhouse;