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The Community Investment Program began in 2009 as a response to the Board of Directors objective to expand water services to existing customers. This desire was a result of the Sauers Report that outlined the need of the District to set goals to provide infrastructure to areas that pay taxes to the District. The District has worked for years prior to this program to extend waterlines; this program formalized the effort for the District.

The program is comprised of four sections, District Financed Waterline Extensions (DFWLE), Assessment District (AD), Community Facility Districts (CFD), and New Fire Hydrants. The program is budgeted through the Engineering Department with an allocation of approximately $1 million dollars annually.

The program is intended to assist groups with obtaining treated water service to their property by extending waterlines utilizing District financing. These services include items such as preliminary design, permitting including California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), costs estimates, final design, bidding, financing, construction management, installing water meters, and establishing a customer’s account.


The DFWLE program was established for small groups up to 40 parcels. This program assists the community by extending financing to participants for the costs of pipeline installation that can be paid back over a 30 year time period. Eligibility for this program is established by property owners who form a group and submit a petition to the District which is reviewed by the Engineering Committee, see flow chart.

The Engineering department will review the potential service area to map which parcels could be served by the water line extension. This forms the DFWLE service area.

Approved groups are placed on a waiting list and worked on in the order in which they are received. A not-to-exceed cost for the project is estimated by the Engineering Department. These cost estimates are then reviewed by the Board of Directors to determine the merits of the project and to encumber the funds.

If greater than 50% of the potentially served properties pay a deposit and sign an agreement (Sample Funding Agreement DFWE), then the project agreements will be submitted to the Board of Directors for execution. Participating properties will provide an easement for these facilities at no cost to the District. Costs for developing a project are paid for by the District through Community Investment Program funding.

The District will bid and oversee the construction of the project all the way through completion. Participating landowners will be required to extend their service lines to the water meter box at their cost. Once construction is complete, final costs will be reconciled and payment by the participants will be based on actual project costs not the estimate. Projects that exceed the cost estimate will be paid by the District for the overage portion.

Currently, the District will work on the following projects in sequence:

These projects are currently approved by the Engineering Committee for initial development, design and cost estimates.


The AD and CFD programs are for larger projects and are typically funded using bond proceeds based on the property owner voting in a self-imposed taxation. The AD and CFD are two different types of taxing systems. These are significantly larger projects (more than 40 parcels) and the costs of development, such as specialized engineering service and bond council, are not paid for by the Community Investment Program but are included in the bond for the project.

Due to the size and complexity, these projects require significant input from the residents/property owners. Costs are based on estimates and if exceeded, the time of the bond is extended to recoup the cost. This type of financing system is also referred to as Mellos Roos financing.

The District has completed two successful projects using this system, Cement Hill CFD and the Rodeo Flat AD.


The hydrants program reinvests infrastructure into the community through the installation of fire hydrants at strategic locations. Hydrants are installed on existing pipelines in areas already developed. Requests for new hydrants come from the local fire departments and are installed by the District’s Maintenance Department as time and budget permit.

Fire hydrants installed with the DFWLE, AD, and CFD projects are paid for by the Community Investment Program and are installed at no cost to the participants of the projects.


If you have a group of neighbors that have an interest in treated water, contact Shannon Wood, the District’s Business Services Technician at (530)-273-6185 ext. 240 or via email The District will work with you to review your options and to to help develop a project. This help includes items such as preliminary engineering analysis and design, informational meetings, and cost analysis. It is our goal to help as much as possible to get you treated water.


The following is a list of completed projects:

  • Rattlesnake Road
  • E. Hacienda
  • Winter Moon
  • Cement Hill Project
  • Rodeo Flat
  • Table Meadows Phase 1 & Option 3
  • Alta Sierra to Lake of the Pines BEP Project


  • Backbone Extension Program – this program is not part of the Community Investment Program, however as major infrastructure is constructed, the routes are evaluated to provide water in areas that have the most need.
  • Needs Assessment – the District has studied area of needs and this was presented to the Engineering Committee and is now part of the planning documents
  • Presentations – District staff has done numerous presentations for the extension of waterlines.
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