GM Newsletter - January 2025

Welcome to the January 2025 edition of the General Manager’s Newsletter. Read on to learn about what is happening at the District this month.
In this edition:
- Golden Mussels update: boat launches at Rollins and Scotts Flat remain temporarily closed
- Clear Creek Elementary School students learn about water
- Water supply update - average for the year but dry weather has impacts
- Water conservation still required
- NID receives award for excellence in financial reporting
- Reservoir level data
December 2024: New Directors sworn in and president, VP elected for 2025; Scotts Flat, Rollins boat launches closed due to threat of golden mussels; Save the Date: camping reservation period opens on Jan. 2, 2025; English Meadow restoration update with photos, history
November 2024: Working to reduce lead exposure in our water system; Board appoints Division 4 Director - meet Earl Stephens; NID receives “Partner of the Year” award from Bear Yuba Land Trust
October 2024: Fall preparation around the District - see the work; Division 4 Director vacancy (applications taken for new appointment); Hydropower conducts its annual outage — Chicago Park and Dutch Flat
September 2024: Board of Directors prefers to increase storage at Rollins, votes to abandon Centennial; Division 4 Director Trevor Caulder resigns. Applications open for new appointment; Mandatory conservation continues in efforts to refill Rollins and Scotts Flat
August 2024: Update: Lake Spaulding infrastructure repairs, actual vs forecasted reservoir levels (see the low water conditions), mandatory conservation continues in efforts to refill the reservoirs
Plan for Water Final Technical Memorandum is released--details about strategic alternatives to meet future water needs
July 2024: Update - Lake Spaulding infrastructure repairs; learn to become more water efficient with commonsense conservation; goats graze to reduce fire fuel vegetation
June 2024: NID and PCWA issue a joint response to Lake Spaulding infrastructure damage; NID implements mandatory water conservation measures; Water Quality Report released. NID water exceeds gov’t standards
May 2024: Water shortage update; permanent fix to South Yuba Pipe underway to allow flows in late August; customers respond to conservation request, “Plan for Water” is statewide finalist for excellence award
April 2024: Water shortage emergency declared; the District has created a webpage with updates and downloadable information; irrigation season begins, voluntary conservation requested; what is grown with NID irrigation water? See the Top Crops 2024 list
March 2024: NID declares water shortage emergency; call for water conservation after PG&E suffers significant infrastructure damage; NID receives planning grant funding for 3,000-acre forest health project with TNF; Save the date: Mulch Magic Giveaway is April 27; Water efficiency tips: now’s the time to fix a leak
February 2024: Unimpaired flows to the Bay-Delta threaten our water supply, NID Directors approve the naming of “Hoot Owl Lake, Infrastructure: new short videos released, and NID snow survey for February: 55% of average water content (before the storms)
January 2024: Planting the seeds of recovery from the River Fire, book your summer campsites now, Long Ravine campsites cleaned before winter storms, low-income water bill assistance program extended, reservoir Levels 105% of average, NID Infrastructure Library: An A-Z listing of District dams, reservoirs, canals, and more
December 2023: Board of Directors select new President, Vice President; hazard trees removed along D-S Canal in the Brunswick Basin; annual hydrant flushing is ongoing in neighborhoods; Jackson Lake Dam slope stabilized ahead of snows; reservoir Levels 112% of average
November 2023: NID acquires the Deer Creek hydro development from PG&E; Rollins Powerhouse - new electrical protection installed; Dam Safety: surveyors assess Lower Scotts Flat; New parking site built near Scotts Flat Reservoir
September 2023: NID Infrastructure Library is now available; update – English Meadow Enhancement and Restoration Project; reservoir storage is 119% of average
August 2023: Congressman Kevin Kiley tours Scotts Fat Dam spillway; Public Safety: pack it in; pack it out; project updates for 2023
July 2023: NID restricts fires in campgrounds to reduce wildfire risk; black and green: committing resources to forest health; mountain recreation now accessible
June 2023: Scotts Flat day-use popularity - arrive early; $1.27 million grant to reduce fire fuel around Jackson Meadows
May 2023: Water Quality Report released, New NID Business Center hours: M-F 9-4, Mulch Magic Giveaway was a success
April 2023: Strategic Plan adopted, No Motor Day at Scotts Flat, Mulch Magic Giveaway
March 2023: Public safety alert - avoid canals, snow survey 173% of average, storm cleanup, leaks can run, but they can't hide
February 2023: U.S. Supreme Court petition; NID declares water surplus; reservoir levels 113% above average
January 2023: January storm news; book your summer campsite now; reservoir levels 120% above average
December 2022: President, Vice President selected, Directors sworn in; Annual flushing begins; Reservoir levels above average
November 2022: First flows: Hemphill Fish Passage, Hydro powerhouse outage a success, reservoir levels above average
October 2022: Irrigation season ends, Osprey nest platform near the Bear River, Plan for Water update – strategic planning, Wildfire Task Force regional meeting and tour, Fire fuel treatment around Scotts Flat, Fire Department training partnership
September 2022: NID Community Survey – a snapshot of water views, forest health, and watershed management, fire fuel treatment around Scotts Flat, grant for Scotts Flat parking, reservoir levels above average
July 2022: Forest management (teaming up with state agencies), Fall Creek Flume renovated, Goats graze to reduce vegetation
June 2022: Conservation needed, campfires banned, grant awarded for Bear River Wildfire Recovery Project, annual Water Quality Report released
May 2022: Snow survey, top crops list, take the UC Cooperative Extension Agricultural Survey, Dam Safety Activities Report
April 2022: Snow survey, Tree Canopy Study, Irrigation Season Starts - Top Crops List
March 2022: Hemphill Fish Passage, water conservation slips, English Meadow Restoration Project
February 2022: Snow Survey -- plus check out a new survey video, Seasonal recreation jobs - recruitment begins
January 2022: Storm wrap-up - crews respond to keep canals flowing
December 2021: Chris Bierwagen to continue as Board of Directors president, Plan for Water update, 2022 meeting calendar is released
November 2021: students tour Elizabeth George Water Treatment Plant, campground reservations begin on January 4, 2022, Plan for Water
October 2021: kickoff to Plan for Water is Nov. 9, free digital NID history book, NID water quality exceeds standards
September 2021: Cleaning the Bear River, River Fire Response & Recovery Efforts; $1.2 million to Restore English Meadow
August 2021: Plan for Water Update; River Fire Aftermath; Treated Water Conservation Comparison